National Energy Administration highly praises ZTT solar

2016/4/6 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


As the preferred platform for government agencies and key decision makers to come together for exchange and trade, Clean Energy Expo China 2016-CEEC has opened in Beijing.

In addition to the concurrent high-level conference, the CEEC Exhibition is at the forefront of the latest industry and market development trends featuring related cross-sector sub-events – Smart Grids, Wind Power, Solar PV, Concentrated Solar Power, Distributed Energy, Bio-Energy and Grid Connectivity.

ZTT as the only organizer of CEEC, one the one hand displays new energy development and industrial distribution, on the other hand shows ZTT distributed PV demonstration region and its creative achievements. The deputy of National Administration Administration visited Jiangsu exhibition booth, and highly praised Jiangsu new energy projects especially the solar distributed PV construction.

ZTT has created many “the first in China” projects, completing the construction for the national distributed PV demonstration area, achieving 44 gird-connected projects with total installed capacity 169MW. Many world famous enterprises like IKEA, TORAY, LUOLAI, etc cooperated with ZTT for the new energy projects.